PantherMedia Blog

PantherMedia at PICTAday2018

Last Updated on 24. April 2018 by PantherMedia


Stock photography agencies have quite a few conferences and meetings but what makes PICTAday2018 different is that the stock photography agencies are not among each other but out there in the real world with actual photo buyers. No room for make belief. Customer satisfaction has to be earned in honest fashion. We are glad that so many customers took the trouble to interrupt there their often hectic schedules to drop in on us at PICTAday2018.

Broad range of options from full service agencies to subject matter experts

PICTAday2018 gives attendees the chance to see everything from a gardening images agency to expert agencies for interiors. And speaking for ourselves, we're are thrilled for every conversation we can have. And many an insightful conversation with graphic designers, publishers, editors right up to photographers took place at our table. One couldn't realy speak of a booth due to the way the location was laid out. It seems that the changes we have been making to our positioning in the last 24 months by adding premium RF content and a highly simplified form of RM are getting noticed by customer now, while we certainly still have some work to do making people aware of our recently added video archive.

PICTAday2018, Munich, roll up, trade show

Enthusiasm for our thermos mugs

We were not completely happy with the location of our table half way down the middle of a seemingly noexistant broad walkway.  But visitors to our table where happy to participate in our prize draw to win one of three camera lens style thermos mugs. Visitor levels for us where strong in the morning and throughout the lunch period but things slowed down in the afternoon possibly due to the amazing weather  – 28c and blue skies. Could it be that beer gardens were our biggest competitor on the day?

Positive feedback for our technologie initiatives

In our conversations we sensed strong interest in our visual business solutions based around database orientated applications integrating text and visuals for apps and websites. Last year's complaints from subscription holders that images included in subscriptions did not stand our clearly enough where not repeated this year, so hopefully the changes we made based on last year's feedback have done the trick.

Lots of colourful possiblities for the future

Summing things up, we can say that, as last year, we have lots of new ideas to take with us from PICTAday2018. In particular the possibility of offering a very cost effective clipping path option for photo buyers through a potential new partner could be very interesting and useful. It should not go unmentioned, that the atmosphere are around the Alte Kongresshalle with the square outside flanked by the Deutsches Museum and bordering on the beer garden Wirtshaus am Bavariapark was great.

Sincere thanks to all the vistors who found the time in their busy schedule to come to the show and make our day. We look forward to seeing you again in Berlin next year at PICTAday2019.


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