PantherMedia Blog

Something truly new! 360° Images on PantherMedia

Last Updated on 4. April 2019 by PantherMedia

Something really new just for once! 360° images at PantherMedia

360° images are an exciting new medium for design and creation. Their immersive character allows interaction and engagement with the image's content on a completely different level. And you can decide for yourself how long and intensively you would like observe its details and which details to focus on.

(c) Mario Carvajal (360Cities)

The largest Collection worldwide is our partner

PantherMedia's partner for this content is 360Cities, which claims to own the largest collection of this kind in the world. Right from the beginning, close to 300,000 360° images of this unique and still quite rare medium are available directly from the PantherMedia website. Videos will follow at a later date. Be one of the first to build it into your designs and let your creations shine with it before everyone does.

(c) Alexander Kalashnikoff (360Cities)

360° / VR media are used for education, publishing, advertising & film, and mobile app & game development. 360Cities has been curating and licensing high quality, fully 360° interactive panoramic photos and videos for over 10 years and has rewarded thousands of passionate VR photographers and videographers from around the world with royalties on their work.

(c) Jeffrey Martin (360Cities)

Founded already in 2007

360Cities was founded in 2007 as a publishing platform for panorama photographers who wanted to show off their spherical 360° panoramas in an interactive environment. At that time, interactive 360° photography was virtually unknown outside of a relatively small group of photography enthusiasts and there were no online services available that supported interactive 360° photography.

Focus on artists

From the outset, 360Cities believed that high-resolution 360° images would be valuable to companies in certain industries like travel, advertising, and education if they could acquire a material volume and variety of high quality images. Most of their initial efforts were spent in building a robust platform and attracting contributors in an effort to build a unique library of beautiful images featuring landscapes, landmarks, cityscapes, and other places of interest from around the world. Even reaching from underwater to deep space.

  (c) Andrew Bodrov (360Cities)

Differentiation through consistenly high visual and technical quality.

360Cities key differentiator from other panorama publishing projects has always been a focus on high quality. Every image (and now video as well) that is uploaded to 360Cities is reviewed multiple times in order to ensure visual and technical quality. This differentiation strategy, namely focusing on high quality 360° images and videos and then monetizing through content licensing activities, has served 360Cities and its contributors well. This way to our Showcase.

Go back to the PantherMedia Homepage.

(c) Richard Chesher (360Cities)

We presented our 360° content at the PictaDay 2019 in Berlin and can only say that the response was overwhelmingly positive and look forward to seeing the first images in use!

Header image: (c)  Fiore Cappone (360Cities)

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