PantherMedia Blog

Rights Managed at PantherMedia

Last Updated on 26. April 2017 by PantherMedia

Rights Managed available as a new licencing option

Luckily no one at PantherMedia ever said never. At least to my best knowledge. But we did always have a clear position on the subject of rights managed licensing.

We’ll only ever do it if we can make it so easy it doesn’t need explaining, says Tomas Speight, CEO of Panther Media GmbH.

Rights Managed image 21087825 by Westend61PremiumRM

We don't do complicated

Because complicated is something we keep away from PantherMedia. And away from you. Over time we have made multiple attempts to simplify rights managed licensing with all its Rules, Conditions and Pulldowns. But every time we ended up deciding against it – because it still needed explaining.

It's got to be as easy to buy as Royalty Free

Finally, we decided that it would really have to be exactly as easy as RF or we would really never do it. So, we took another hard look at RF. Five choices and extended licenses. Easy. That’s how it would have to be.

Rights Managed image 21107603 by Westend61PremiumRM

Time instead of file size. That's all there is to it.

Could it be possible? Yes. With one small change. Time instead of file size. After all, in Rights Managed the file size is always XXL. So all you need to know: Time instead of file size. Do with the picture whatever you want for one client for the period of time you bought. Extra countries via extended licenses. Sounds practically totally familiar. Time instead of file size. Got it?

Rights Managed image 20822709 by rharding-rm

Still afraid of rights managed? Anyone?

Now we’ve got this tucked away we can open the door to some really special photography. PantherMedia is now in the fortunate position to launch a number of new truly fine photography collections that have previously been unavailable at Sure you can still buy them elsewhere, if you like pulldowns and a thousand steps and entries. Complicated, that is. We say: Buy it easy. Buy it at PantherMedia.

Rights Managed image 21121265 by Westend61PremiumRM

New exceptional photography at PantherMedia

First to agree to our new pricing is the top European collection Cultura Images from London. Next were Robert Harding RM the world renowned travel collection and Westend61 RM, one of the leading German lifestyle collections. All three truly outstanding in their chosen fields. Get going here.

Buy it easy. Buy it at PantherMedia.

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