PantherMedia Blog

Looking forward to growth in 2017

Last Updated on 11. January 2017 by PantherMedia

Looking forward to growth in 2017

An eventful year is behind uns. A year in which we laid the foundations for future growth. This was heavy on our resources and you might have felt that through slower than usual upload times for images in our creative collections. I can firmaly say that in January 2017 this is behind us and upload times are back to normal. And we have put ourselves on track for growth. This was achieved by increasing customer numbers and download levels. This development with gain further momentum in 2017. Our optimisum is founded upon the expansion of our international busisness in which new partners have started to make notable contributions towards the end of 2016.

Crocus flower growing out of the ground as a symbol of Growth

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New opportunities in Asia

The two largest Japanese agencies are currently in the process of readying images for sales and a third one, ImageNavi, just released our full API content onto its main website (see more details here).

The two leading South Korean agencies have just sent their first sales reports and Alamy is quickly becoming our largest partner.

We hope to get the new year off to a flying start in India and Australia, too.

Internal developments

On the content side you can now also upload images for RM or Premium RF and the start of uploads for our very own top of the line collection is iminent. There will be dedicated posts about how to become part of this this collection which will be branded "Scratch" and form the Panther's visual and stylistic cutting edge very soon. The qualitiy demands will be high, excessive even, but so will the rewards with a top royalty rate.

The new collection will help the Growth of PantherMedia


We are also working on Plugins for various software environments to allow our users even more seamless access to our content.

In 2017 look forward to more innovations and distribution options for your photos. The panther is ready to pounce.

There is something you could do for us.

For both of us together. There are actually two things. One is of course photos, photos, photos. Now that we have brought live releasing back to current I urgently ask you in our common interest to upload as many suitable images as possible. A serious increase in the size of our own collection is of the utmost importance for the future of growth. Secondly, a area where you could be of great assistance is in strengthening our SEO-position with Google. That would directly impact revenue in the interest of everyone. If you would like to know more about this subject please check out this article for more details. Though it's headed 2016 it's absolutely on the mark.

SEO is the key to successful Growth

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And this is what you can do:

1. Image-Upload: When uploading images please be sure to enter a full caption and description along with the keywords (and main keywords). This increases the chances of your photos being found in Google's Images Search. And of course this will also help your images be found more easily in our search, too.

2. If you have a home page then please place a link to your images our our page onto it with some relevant text like your bio. You can also link to articles on our blog.

3. If you comment in the web, when appropriate you could place a link to or to our blog in support of your position in the form of an example.

4. If you run a blog yourself, then it would be great if you could mention and link to panthermedia regularly. We can add you to our press distribution list to keep you up to date with newsworthy activities.

Doing any of these things would really make a difference.

I will keep you upated on developments here as the year goes on.

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