PantherMedia Blog

PantherMedia visits PictaDAY

Last Updated on 29. April 2016 by PantherMedia

Munich: Fotofringe Wednesday. Next day PictaDAY. PictaDAY is the main annual photography related event for persons working in the creative industry in Germany. It was very interesting to compare the two events back to back. While the booths were spread out across the spacious King Place in London at fotofringe (see my report here), PictaDay was held at the Hacker-Pschorr-Bräuhaus in Munich this year. And of course, on our home ground, we had a stand of our own. What stood out was the compactness of the location, which created a great vibe of creative energy and and had a bustling atmosphere compared to the more laid back atmosphere at fotofringe.

What did we get up to at PictaDAY.

Like Fotofringe, PictaDAY is the ideal opportunity to network, exchange information and view our competitors. The show also offers the opportunity to see new developments in the industry. Although in my case there was not much of innovation going on. I missed seeing engagement with VR or other visual content type related innovations. Personally I think VR stands to be the most change driving technology currently already on the market. A logical extension to social networking, easy to get into and mindboggling when it comes to visuals. 

PantherMedia visits the PICTADay

We certainly had many interesting and insightful conversations with our clients and were also able to reach out to many creatives from agencies, corporations and publishers who were not so familiar with PantherMedia yet. At our big table under the watchful eyes of our panther mascot we presented our new products in royalty free and new premium and editorial content.

PantherMedia on the PICTADay

The one real innovation at the show – InImage Advertising by a stock photography agency. Us.

Robert Walters, our co-CEO presented first insights PantherMedia‘s world first (the show's only serious innovation, come to think of it), a stock photo agency with In-Image-Advertising. Due to the very high frequency of vists at out booth which held up right until the end of the event the first beer of the day had to be pushed far back into the evening (actully, honestly speaking, there were some earlier beers with one or two clients). We are lucky and happy to have such close working relationships with our demanding but extraordinarly nice clients. Last but not least, we were raffling off a printed canvas among the visitors to our booth. The draw and notification of the winner will take place shortly. 

The strong interest in our booth gives us confidence for the future and we say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who took the time to drop by.

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