PantherMedia Blog

Frans Lanting available at PantherMedia

Last Updated on 28. November 2017 by PantherMedia

Mint Images brings Frans Lanting to PantherMedia

The image of the multi award winning legendary National Geographic photographer Frans Lanting can now be licensed at PantherMedia for any kind of project, – particularly calendars and book covers.  And that with particular ease due to our industry leading super simple RM licensing process.

Frans Lanting, southern giant petrel showing aggression,macronectes giganteus,south-georgia island (c) F. Lanting, Mint Images

Travelled far and wide for photography

Originally from the Netherlands and having later moved to the USA Frans Lanting has travelled the whole word in search of the breath taking animal and nature images that have rightly made him famous.

Frans Lanting, animal, bird, horizontal, outdoor, Albatros, South America (c) F. Lanting, Mint Images

Be it the Amazon, Antarctica, or Africa, Frans Lanting has been there with his cameras capturing amazing and truly memorable photos for us.

Frans Lanting, group, walking, cool, eudyptes chrysocome, penguin, rockhopper penguin, South America (c) F. Lanting, Mint Images

But not only that, he has also made us aware of the unmeasurable beauty of our plant and helped us appreciate better just how valuable nature, the environment and wildlife are for the world.

Frans Lanting, animal, mammal, africa, elephant, Namibia (c) F. Lanting, Mint Images

Ambassador of the World Wild Life Fund for Nature

In addition, Frans Lanting has demonstrated in numerous exhibitions, what power can be excercised by images. Today he is an ambassador for the World Wild Life Fund for Nature of the Netherlands, not to mention being inducted as a Knight in the Royal Order of the Golden Ark, the Netherlands' highest conservation honour.

Frans Lanting, macro, close up, amblyrhynchus cristatus, marine iguana, Galapagos Islands, (c) F. Lanting, Mint Images

Award in his own name

Since 2015 there is even an award in his name, the WNF-Frans Lanting Award. This year's winners, by the way, will be announced on 26.11.2017.

Frans Lanting, Zebras, water hole, waterhole, agitation, flight (c) F. Lanting, Mint Images

Thanks to Mint Images, a partner from London, specialized on subjects like nature, wildlife and the environment, we are able to offer you thousands of images from this genuinely great artist.

Frans Lanting, big cat, predatory cat, Botswana, Africa(c) F. Lanting, Mint Images[/caption]

From impressive animal portraits to situations in the wilderness or at remote locations, you can be certain to find something special and eye catching. And always with a special perspective, special atmosphere or unique composition.

Frans Lanting, group, walking, cool, eudyptes chrysocome, penguin, rockhopper penguin, South America (c) F. Lanting, Mint Images

Many projects have already been uplifted far beyond the ordinary by Frans Lanting's images. Let you project stand out from the mass with the help of his images, too.

Frans Lanting, animal, bird, horizontal, outdoor, Albatros, South America (c) F. Lanting, Mint Images

Easy to license

And, best of all, nowhere can you license his images as easily as at PantherMedia, thanks to our clear and simple licensing system for rights managed images. No more than one or two clicks just as you are used to with royalty free. Your project should be worth the enrichment these premium images can give it to you.

Frans Lanting, Elephants, on the move, Africa (c) F. Lanting, Mint Images

Click here for a lightbox with individually selected examples.

Frans Lanting, big cat, predatory cat, swimming, macro, close up, black panther (c) F. Lanting, Mint Images

MIssed the link above? Get to our hand picked highlights here, too!

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