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Become a premium photographer at PantherMedia

Become a premium photographer at PantherMedia: Have you got what it takes?

You have images that stand out from the mass of today's pictures? Images that genuinely stand out in today's flood of pictures? Images, where it's easily recognizeable for the buyer, why they could bring better results to his project and thereby justify a higher price? Then we are on the look out for you. We are hard at work starting up our Premium Collection. Because we, too, believe that where the buyer can see the difference he is prepared to pay a higher fee. But we need your help and contribution. We are calling on all artists who create images that are truely special and unique. That  stand out from the crowd and will help clients have more successful projects than with others. Like us you feel that those images should be worth more than a few cents to anyone using them because they are doing more for him or her than run of the mill images could ever. But we all know that many budgets are tight in the wrong places and not all projects will be able to use such images. So we understand that we have to be patient enough to wait until the right user with the right project and budget comes along.

First and foremost our Premium Collection aspires to be mind boggling

Inspired by our Panther DNA the Premium Collection shall have an identifiable style based on a combination of elegance, strength and a touch of danger.

Our Premium Collection hast two lines  – Rights Managed (RM) and Royalty Free (RF).  RM licensing will take the form of a highly simplified Rights Managed model designed to match the current RF (royalty free) purchasing experience while doing justice to the unique nature of the images. It will also allow for full copyright recognition and eforcement. Infringements will be addressed.

With both lines we offer a royalty rate of 50%. Only in the event that an image is considered for the Scratch Collection it will need to be placed exclusively with us. 

The type of images we have in mind should have some, but not necessarily all, of the following characteristics:

The Premium-Collection is also marked by the following highlights:

Images created around the fusion of style, fashion and technology may also be included in our Scratch Collection (by invitation only). This set of images is dedicated to the visionary depiction of subjects like robots or artifical intelligence in the lives of the future capturing the possible benefits, conseqences and ramifications.

All images placed with us exclusively, we will also distribute your premium images worldwide via our fast growing international network of reputable partner agencies like Alamy, Amana, Potononstop or Panorama.

The pricing for commercial uses is as follows:

Prices Premium  RF
Blog 29,00 €
Web 49,00 €
M 149,00 €
L 349,00 €
XL 449,00 €
XXL 549,00 €


Prices Premium RM
Usage period  
6 Months 169,00 €
1 year 209,00 €
2 years 329,00 €
3 years 449,00 €
5 years 590,00 €
Extended Licenses
Up to 5 countries 100,00 €
Continent 200,00 €
Worldwide 300,00 €

For editorial uses the current price is €25 for a one time use on an interior page and € 500 for a cover use. Exklusivity requests related to RM images will be considered on a case to case basis.

You may only upload and offer such images as Premium RF that you have not made and will not make available elsewhere at list prices below those listed here. You can only upload images for RM that have never been offered as RF previously and will not be offered as RF in the future.

But keep in mind the requirements are high. Even after you have been granted the status premium photographer, every single image will be edited and checked indivudually to ensure that it meets our demanding content and technical quality requirements. Images that are not accepted here can of course be re-submitted as microstock.

You can start uploading images as soon as you have been accepted as a premium photographer. Apply here to join the elite group of PantherMedai premium photographers.

Your images will go on sales from the first accepted image onwards.

In a nutshell:

Premium by Panthermedia: Elegance, strength and touch of danger. Become part of it as a premium photographer.

Says Carla Magrelli from Rome, head of the  photographer group SIE Photo that includes a Worldpress Award-Winner: At last an agency that is focussed on the one thing that really make a difference. Really great photographs.

From New York Lisa Curesky (previously Corbis, zefa, Image Source) from award winning „The Good Brigade“ had to say: “I am excited by the new options that PantherMedia is offering with the launch of its Premium collection: a place where the value of an image is respected and price points are strong”.

Both added: Especially the key subject matter is exciting and fills us with creative energy.

Says Tomas Speight, CEO of Panther Media GmbH: Photographers can register for inclusion in the exclusive Premium Collection group of artists with immediate effect and propose suitable photographs. Remember the DNA: elegance, strength and a touch of danger. Become part of it and join us now. Help us win back respect for great commercial photography.

Join us noa and help us win back the respect for great commercial photography! Apply now and become a premium photographer at PantherMedia!

About Panther Media GmbH

Panther Media GmbH is Germany‘s leading stock photo agency with a photographer community of its own. More than 50.000 photographers supply more than 60 million royalty free and right‘s managed images. All images are licensed by PantherMedia in accordance with international copyright regulations and have been carefully checked and cleared by professional photo editors.

Our primary customers are large corporations, advertising agencies, graphic designers, publishers, public authorities and government agencies. Our flexible licensing models allow for the easy use of legally safe images at highly competitive prices. Our powerful corporate account systems enable organization to systematically manage and control their content purchasing and use across multiple locations, countries or editorial departments while eliminating annoyances like the risk of double purchasing.





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